Dr. Ian Levenson
Video Testimonial #1
Video Testimonial #2

Educating aesthetic and sexual health clinics with professional training for physicians and other licensed medical providers. Dr. Ian Levenson is proud to offer courses limited to 4 to 5 physicians who are looking to introduce platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy into their own practices. Dr. Levenson is highly-trained, board-certified and experienced in providing PRP injections for a variety of conditions, from aesthetic procedures to innovative sexual healthcare.
Dr. Levenson constantly looks for ways to teach the up-and-coming. He provides other physicians with a great opportunity to learn more about his specialties and how to be at the top of their game. Dr. Levenson offers 2-day extensive training courses every 6 weeks with live model training and didactic training covering all aspects of his practice, including but not limited to:
- Numerous Vampire Procedures & PRP
- Microneedling
- Gainswave Therapy
Dr. Levenson teaches his students preventive and regenerative procedures rather than an approach that just covers up the problem. This includes nonsurgical GAINSWave® for erectile dysfunction and FEMIWave® for female sexual dysfunction, minimally invasive platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments for sexual enhancement including the O-Shot® and the P-Shot®, Vampire Facial, the Vampire Facelift, the Vampire Breast Lift, Vampire Hair Restoration, and the Vampire Wing Lift.
Ask us about a special referral bonus from ACG for any student attending one of Dr. Levenson’s training courses.