Marie Piantino, AAEG

AAEG Introductory Video
The Mission: The Advanced Aesthetics Education Group is to educate medical students in the highest professional standards; to prepare clinicians to practice the latest and most innovative Aesthetic Medicine techniques. The AAEG aims to produce leaders in the field of Aesthetic Medicine who will improve patients lives through, patient care, research, and education.
The Faculty: AAEG instructors include: Marie Paintino, LE, Dr. H. William Song, Bobbi Bullock, FNP-C, Dr. Agnes Green, Dr. Bertica Rubio, Dr. George Liakeas, Dr. Charles Runels, Beth Peller, RN, BSN, Dr. Tammy Polit, Anne Milovancev, RN, Jan Wozny, RN, LE, and Dr. John Cumiskey, DC. Courses are taught in person and/or on-line.
Primary courses include: Hands-On PRP Training.
PRP Certification: Offering Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapies for your practice is a natural progression of services needed for a successful aesthetic practice; as these procedures have dramatically increased in popularity.
The AAEG has designed its’ Platelet Rich Plasma Training to include all of the major areas aesthetically, as well as, give you the tools to be successful immediately upon completion of the program. This course ensures that each attendee will understand and be proficient in the aesthetic uses for Platelet-Rich Plasma. Give your patients a natural and non-synthetic solution for their aesthetic needs and see the long-term advantages of these cellular therapies.
Training includes didactic information on biological response mechanisms, embedded growth factors, indications for use, contraindications, FDA-approved spin methods, and how to select a centrifuge. The hands-on portion of the course will focus on Platelet-Rich Plasma therapies for facial aesthetics and hair restoration with demonstrations on live models. Various injection techniques will be taught as well as, recommended dosing, special handling, potential risks, and possible side effects.
Micro Needling Certification: The AAEG delivers world class clinical education and certification to all medical professionals in the emerging field of medical micro-needling. It has quickly become the leading resource for (CIT) Collagen Induction Therapy due to its faculty members passion, knowledge, and expertise. The AAEG offers an approach that promotes high standards of patient care, comprehensive knowledge of all micro-needling procedures and ethical standards through jointly sponsored Continuing Medical Education (CE) hours, workshops, and yearly conferences.